facilitate a strategic and coordinated approach to widening participation across the University of Edinburgh. In 1960 there were only 200,000 full-time students (DfES April 2003) and very few studying part-time. Title: Widening participation strategy in higher education in England Author: HUBBLE, Susan Subject: 8204 Created Date: 1/24/2018 12:50:49 PM Higher education (HE) participation has expanded dramatically in England over the last half century. These strategies should be accompanied by action plans, detailing activities and targets associated with the spend of the postcode premium (and, where applicable, the Widen participation schemes attempt to remove these barriers and improve access to education, progress within higher education and to improve graduate outcomes and employability. Widening participation activity attempts to increase the amount of students from underrepresented groups in to higher education. Email Recruiting from your community Further breakdowns include progression by POLAR disadvantage and Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework rating. The team also supports the Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland DELNI www.delni.gov.uk in Widening Participation. Widening participation straregy aims to address discrepancies in the take-up of higher education opportunities between different under-represented groups of students. House of Commons Library, corp creators. View the summary widening participation tables and charts. Yet although participation has been rising, ‘widening participation’ in HE remains a major policy issue (see, for example, Department for Education and Science (2003 and 2006)). To double the proportion of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds going into higher education; To increase by 20% the numbers of students from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds entering HE. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Widening participation Supporting students from all backgrounds to access, succeed and progress through higher education We believe that fair access to higher education is a fundamental enabler for social mobility, improving life opportunities and outcomes for individual students, while benefiting the economy and society as a whole. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. These include estimates of progression to higher education (HE) by age 19 for state-funded pupils by personal characteristics, including: Figures are also provided showing estimated percentages of A level and equivalent students, by school or college type, who progressed to HE by age 19 with breakdowns for high tariff higher education providers. In the first instance, this means protecting funding. You can change your cookie settings at any time. How did Covid-19 affect pupils in state-funded schools in England during autumn term 2020? Widening Participation (WP) strategies for England. Annual statistics on young people's participation in higher education, including their background characteristics. These pathways support widening participation and access, offering an … We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. From low participation in higher education neighbourhoods (POLAR 2 and 3) People who meet one or more of these categories are statistically less likely to go on to higher education. It has been informed by … Widening Participation in higher education is a key priority for the Department. HE.statistics@education.gov.uk, John Simes We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Students from lower socio-economic groups have always found it notoriously difficult to enter and succeed in HE so the government believes extra support should be offered to these students to help them to stay on their courses and complete them successfully. Statistics providing information on measures of widening participation in higher education. It aims to get 50% of school leavers into higher education. The widening participation agenda in higher education has been in place for decades. The team supports the Aimhigher initiative funded jointly by the HEFCE and the LSC. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Widening participation strategy in higher education in England, Download ‘Widening participation strategy in higher education in England ’ report (4 MB, PDF), Autumn term 2020: How Covid-19 affected England’s state-funded schools, Funding for healthcare students in England. This briefing paper aims to provide an overview of policy on widening participation and widening participation activity, to give sources of statistics on access to higher education in England, to evaluate progress in widening participation and to flag up current issues. Widening participation strategy in higher education in England (4 MB, PDF). Find out more about how we use cookies. It also outlines new funding arrangements for nursing, midwifery, healthcare students and paramedics from September 2020. The information is presented at national and local authority level. From 30 July 2020, the Department for Education will be publishing the Widening participation in higher education release on a new statistics site, Explore Education Statistics (EES). One covers widening participation, the other concerning the improvement of student achievement. Access to success; Widening participation strategy. Telephone: 0370 000 2288. [ Briefing paper (House of Commons Library) ] Available under License Open Parliament Licence. Statistics providing information on measures of widening participation in higher education. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds, lower income households and other under-represented groups may face barriers to entry to higher education. Copyright © 2021 House of Commons Library. In higher education it facilitates and increases the participation of those groups which are currently under represented in HE, in particular students from disadvantaged backgrounds and students with learning difficulties and disabilities. It also outlines widening participation strategies and statistics, discusses evaluation of activities and raises current issues. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. This is vital for social justice and economic competitiveness. Our Widening Participation work has a particular focus on those are under-represented in higher education and individuals who have experienced educational disadvantage or disruption. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8204 This House of Commons briefing paper outlines the current funding system for: healthcare students, medical and dentistry students and paramedics and discusses the impact of the 2017 reforms on entrants to healthcare degrees. WIDENING PARTICIPATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN ENGLAND Recommendations On targeting funding i) To ensure that funding covers the costs of widening participation activities, higher education providers should monitor costs more systematically and the Funding Council should review how it distributes the total available financial support Looking WP and BME groups specifically, these groups have lower levels of retention and achievement in … Widening participation work is currently mostly funded through university access agreements – essentially, a top slice from tuition fees. The focus here is increasing the engagement De Montfort University (DMU) has a long record in supporting the widening participation agenda and has significant experience in meeting the needs of underrepresented groups both pre-application and post entry. Current widening participation strategies aim to be ‘smarter’ and to support activities which have demonstrable impact in improving access and participation, progress in higher education and employment outcomes. This House of Commons briefing paper gives an overview of the Government's policy on widening participation in higher education. For instance, in 2016-17, the UK higher education sector spent approximately £248m on widening access. We are asking institutions to submit updated three-year strategies for widening participation. HEFCE 01/15 ‘Student support funding for higher education institutions 2001-02’. Subscribe to receive email alerts every time we publish new research about the topics you’re interested in. In June 2017, we published a report on four important routes which offer flexible ways of gaining higher level skills, often by combining study and work. Available under License Open Parliament Licence. The Widening Participation team helps young people through the decision making process of choosing a university and course, supports them to thrive during their time at university, and aids them in progressing to a graduate level job or further study – the full student lifecycle. Widening participation in higher education is currently delivered: The numbers of disadvantaged young people going into higher education have risen significantly in the past decade and are now at a record high and despite the increase in tuition fees in 2012. The Widening Participation strategy is currently under evaluation. This is how Coventry University explains the WP agenda: The government has targeted these groups in an attempt to increase its presence in the higher education sector. However, just over four decades later the Higher Education Statistics Agency Widening participation is one of the eight strategic priorities for King's College London. 15 year olds in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) who progress to Higher Education (HE) by age 19 by 2008/09. The rounding strategy has been applied to all published figures. In England, universities and colleges make access agreements with the Office of Fair Access (OFFA) relating to their widening participation, retention and attainment work. Universities are collaborating wit… Action on Access works with further and higher education – Widening participation relates to the whole 'life -cycle' of a student in HE. • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) aim: – Our aim is to promote and provide the opportunity of successful participation in higher education to everyone who can benefit from it. facilitate dialogue and connections between research, policy, and practice in connection to WP at the University of Edinburgh and take an evidenced based approach to setting the future direction. (2018) Widening participation strategy in higher education in England. Increasing and widening participation in Higher Education (HE) in the UK has been a long standing policy interest and goal across the main political parties. 8. This House of Commons Library Briefing Paper provides an overview of policy on the Pupil Premium since its introduction in 2011, including funding levels, eligibility criteria, and accountability. The University of Manchester Widening Participation runs a wide range of programmes designed to raise awareness of higher education and improve access. Alternative pathways through higher education. In 2015 the Government set two targets for widening participation in higher education by 2020: Past widening participation strategies have focused on the provision of financial support and outreach activities. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This statistics publication includes the latest information on measures of Widening Participation in Higher Education. View the summary widening participation tables and charts The purpose of the indicators is to provide an objective measure of how the UK higher education (HE) sector is performing. Widening Participation in Higher Education: methodology Progression to Higher Education by Pupil Characteristics The release covers progression to HE … All rights reserved. https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/widening-participation-in-higher-education. Further data is also provided on the number of young people taking A levels or equivalent qualifications who progress to the most selective institutions by school type. Suppressed figures and low participation data for Scottish providers are represented as blanks. Of particular concern is whether Each year we develop an access and participation plan with the Office for Students (OFS) that sets us clear benchmarks for our progress in supporting key groups.. At King’s we believe a diverse study body enriches the education that we offer. Widening Participation Strategy; ... Strategy. Otherwise by continuing to use the site you agree to the use of the cookies as they are currently set. OFFA encourages institutions to consider including work relating to equality and diversity in access agreements. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Widening participation in higher education: 2020, Statistics: widening participation in higher education, Widening participation in higher education: 2019, Widening participation in higher education 2012, Widening participation in higher education 2011, Widening participation in higher education: 2016, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. WIDENING PARTICIPATION STRATEGY 1 Context Widening Participation is extending and enhancing access to Further and Higher Education to people in under-represented groups and communities, particularly people in lower socio-economic groups. Our work is varied and some of our programmes have specific target groups, such as care experienced students and students from BAME backgrounds. However progress against targets has been slow. Supporting students from all backgrounds to access, succeed and progress through higher education. The rounding strategy has been applied to all published figures. Within the higher education community, widening participation refers to the participation of disadvantaged groups in higher education, seeking to remove the barriers to accessing and succeeding in higher education, including financial barriers (Office for Fair Access [OFFA] 2013). Widening Participation continues to be a thread through all of the Talent for Care work, with an emphasis on opening opportunities to those from underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. Widening participation. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Widening participation in higher education in England Women and ethnic minorities are well represented but participation levels are still low for people with disabilities and those from poorer social classes. Some content has been redacted due to third party rights or other legal issues and is labelled as such in the document. Whatever the future higher education funding arrangements look like, … Find out more by reading our 2020 annual report on widening participation (PDF document, 3.33 MB) … The purpose of the indicators is to provide an objective measure of how the UK higher education (HE) sector is performing. Supressed figures and low participation data for Scottish providers are represented as blanks. Widening participation and community outreach As Wales’ only Russell Group university we are committed to supporting all students realise their potential, regardless of background.
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