1. This is like the “undo” option on steroids; you have a lot of time to regret your action. req() works by signalling a special condition27. Try HubSpot’s free customer feedback tool. The primary downside of this technique is that it is substantially more complicated to implement (you have to have a separate “holding cell” that stores the information needed to undo the action), and requires regular intervention from the user to avoid accumulating. To show a notification when a process starts and remove it when the process ends. See live at https://hadley.shinyapps.io/ms-spinner-2. The user interface responds to actions. This event feedback form template captures all relevant feedback information and allows improving your event services. In this section, I’ll show two techniques for displaying progress bars, one built into Shiny, and one from the waiter package developed by John Coene. In some sense, these techniques are mostly optional. I allowed the user to control when the event starts by combining a button with eventReactive(). Here’s how that might look in a complete Shiny app, as shown in Figure 8.7. There are three basic ways to use showNotification(): To show a transient notification that automatically disappears after a fixed amount of time. If you need help implementing this, the Inverted Pyramid model is a great framework to help guide you. The basic lifecycle looks like this: And we can use it in a Shiny app as follows: The default display is a thin progress bar at the top of the page (which you can see https://hadley.shinyapps.io/ms-waiter), but there are a number of ways to customise the output: You can override the default theme to use one of: Instead of showing a progress bar for the entire page, you can overlay it on an existing input or output by setting the selector parameter, e.g. The purpose of providing feedback, essentially, is to keep the user informed so they can take necessary action to provide the most seamless user experience. The most reliable way to do so is to use on.exit(), which ensures that the notification is removed regardless of how the task completes (either successfully or with an error). You’ll see that idea in much more detail in Chapter 10. Explicit confirmation is most useful for destructive actions that are only performed infrequently. Using it is a two step process. Transactional emails. You can see the results in Figure 8.5. To gather unbiased user opinions To get the insights that help create a better overall user experience Each situation requires slightly different feedback from your user testers—in fact, the larger questions you want to answer and the specific questions you end up asking can be very different. 1. You may have noticed that when you start an app, the complete reactive graph is computed even before the user does anything. Can you make the dangerous option more obvious? Its job is to give the user a signal that they (or the product) have succeeded or failed at performing a task. Don’t worry too much about understanding the code, focus on the basic idea: we use some special arguments to observeEvent() to run some code after a few seconds. This is hard to undo so you want to make sure that the user is really sure. Imagine you have some slow running code that looks like this30: You start by wrapping it in withProgress(). Use a contextual alert system. The following code shows a simple example where we don’t want to log or square-root negative values. Where NQSWs are involved in regular workshops or action learning sets as part of their programme, the importance of feedback from people who need care and But that’s not always possible, and sometimes you want to wait until the user actually does something. For the purpose and importance of feedback mentioned above, a feedback form is required. A great way to give additional feedback to the user is via the shinyFeedback package. See the documentation for more details. In the UI, we add use_waitress(): The interface for waiter’s progress bars are a little different. Let’s use this dialog in a real (if very simple) app. Feedback occurs when an environment reacts to an action or behavior. This is analogous to writing good functions in R: user-friendly functions give clear error messages describing what the expected input is and how you have violated those expectations. Offer informative feedback for every user action, at a level appropriate to the magnitude of the action. Be specific to the task where an error has occurred. Start your feedback email with a bulletproof template. This special condition causes all downstream reactives and outputs to stop executing. Providing feedback can guide the user and assist them in completing their tasks. Create a post-meeting survey and find out. Feedback forms should offer a concise, user-friendly design that gathers the most important information from the person submitting feedback. Waiter$new(html = spin_ripple()). Get feedback from users on your system or tool. See live at https://hadley.shinyapps.io/ms-notify-persistent. The student social worker explained what my rights were (including my right to complain). The reason for creating a seamless user experience is to allow the user to complete their tasks in the quickest and easiest way possible, without errors. You should avoid it if you want to reduce the errors made by frequent actions. We’ll come back to this terminology in Chapter 16. req() is designed so that req(input$x) will only proceed if the user has supplied a value, regardless of the type of the input control28.
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