It's the ultimate test for anyone who thinks they know British culture inside-out. Hitler. These are different from any creative writing. 4. Coming up are 50 world geography quiz questions and answers. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to BRAND NEW: Check out my other fun quizzes including my brand new logo quiz, one all about food, a challenging art and literature quiz and my capital cities quiz. 20. Alnwick Castle in England is used for the exterior shots in which film series? Required fields are marked *. Dishes. Read on and you’ll find 50 food quiz questions and answers about food all around the world. From which party the first female prime minister of Britain ‘Margaret Thatcher’ belonged to? 26. Our Kids Trivia Questions will tell you some really amazing facts. Regardless, you will definitely learn something new! 4. 3. What is the common name for dried plums? What is the largest country in the sub-continent Africa? It’s amazing how lockdown has sent us into a quiz frenzy. What is the most southerly capital city in the world? After the Nile and Amazon, what is the third longest river in the world? 27. Fun Facts from Around the World. When it comes to geography trivia questions, you need to not only have a good vision of a world map embedded in your brain, but also have accrued all sorts of facts throughout your life. 33. Name that monument: Answer: Pyramid. The islands Male, Alimathaa and Thoddoo belongs to which country? There's another fun picture round too - good luck! Do you know the highest mountains in the world or in which country you’d find the longest river? Can you answer these various questions about the world's geography, e.g. 117 Best History Trivia Questions (World History / American / Art…) Editor / May 18th 2019 / No Comments History is the source of fascination for many people as one can see how events from so long ago have shaped and still affects the society that we live in today. From names of rivers to mountains and specific facts about this small country, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with these Wales quiz questions. The Netherland is situated in which sub-continent? Sofia is the capital of which European country. : 65+ medical trivia questions and answers. Geography is a vast subject and with rapid climate change, the world is changing its shape very fast. Alaska is the largest state in America, but what is the second largest? What was the reason behind his resignation? After the popularity of my geography trivia quiz, it’s time to challenge you yet again, this time with a fun quiz all about the world’s capitals. The region of Siberia occupies approximately three quarters of which country? If I’m visiting the ancient city of Petra, which country am I in? They’ll keep you busy! 7. Play < Basic World Geography Facts 1 Previous. about the world's geography? Which two world powers were the major players in the First World War? Netherlands. 503. #5. Food & Drink Trivia Questions. Which country has the longest coastline in the world? 18. Who was the first and only U.S president to resign? Here are the 8 best geography trivia questions: 1. The country Ivory Coast is now known as what? This post has 50+ interesting and informative World Trivia Questions and answers related to the geography and history of the world which will help you to boost up your geographical knowledge. Let me know how you got on. … Let's face it, everyone LOVES a picture round. So, here is a chance for you to test your knowledge which you either gained in your institutions or you studied in any random book. It was a surprise counter attack by German against the Allies in Belgium. 11. There are twenty points up for grabs in the picture round of this world geography trivia quiz. The Cuban Revolution was against which Cuban president? Between which two countries The Victoria Fall is shared? What is … Play the trivia quiz with your friends or learn some great facts and then impress your family, teachers and friends with your knowledge. This is especially true on social media these days, where debates take place at the drop of a hat! Christiania was the former capital of which country during the period 1624 to 1924? Don’t forget to share the quiz with your friends to play too. What period in European history was known as Renaissance? Answer: Dom Perignon. 43. If you enjoyed this quiz, check out all my general knowledge quizzes, which cover geography, music, food, art, culture and more! *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Oman. Politics is a hot topic. 54. Who was responsible for building much of the Great Wall of China? B. 3. Partner with your friends to form multiple teams and play the ultimate FIFA quiz game. 25. It's time to find out how well you know the London tube map, the greats of England’s music scene and the country's most famous landmarks. … What happened in the battle of Bulge during World War II? Answers to a very tricky, silly quiz; suitable for Kindergarten through Grade 6. Answer: The Aztecs. We’re talking about flags and landmarks. I used to play every few weeks with a group of friends nearby. It was a great way of catching up, and while we never won, we came in the top teams a few times. World War 2 Quiz Questions and Answers Which tunnel links the countries England and France? Check out the following trivia famous landmarks quiz questions and answers to see if you are a true backpacker. 103. 5. How about landmarks? While some families drive, we are going to fly there. What name does deer meat go by? These questions are filled with some of the most amazing geography facts about the world, and are actually pretty interesting to learn about.. do you know the names of the largest mountains, seas, islands etc.? 14. Answer: 1953. 40. What does velvet revolution refers to? Millions of people travel around the world each year to visit prominent attractions. I love how knowing the most random of facts can be the difference between winning and losing. 55. Who were the allied powers during World War II? Name the number that is three more than one-fifth of one-tenth of one-half of 5,000. Which country produces the most coffee in the world? Answer: Venison. In what year was the first-ever Wimbledon Championship held? World History Quiz Questions and Answers Part 5 (Quiz 81-100) 81) One of the seven wonders of ancient world was situated in Egypt. Names of mountain ranges, US state capitals, biggest countries, smallest countries, flags and more. As the FIFA World Cup approaches closer and the fanatic fans catch on the soccer fever, our composition of FIFA World Cup trivia questions and answers quiz enhances the excitement and drama of the most-watched sports occasion. Played: 495994. Answer: Uranus. Answer: 1877. Finland. Looking for London trivia questions? Malta Conference. 200 Trivia Questions for Kids (That They’ll Enjoy) - Mom Loves Best 100 kids trivia questions that ask about all corners of our universe, cover all interests, and have something for every age range. 1. These music trivia questions are guaranteed to test your knowledge of rock, pop, indie and more. First world war facts - quiz The author of 50 Things You Should Know about the First World War asks some frightful questions to test your knowledge of the conflict. While we’re stuck at home, I decided it was time to challenge you guys, my lovely readers, to a quiz all about our amazing planet. Which day of the year is observed as the World Health Day? Before the Euro, what was the currency of Greece? World Trivia Questions Whose assassination is associated with the line ‘Beware the Ides of March’? The world is a strange and funny place.While these aren’t your usual knock-knock jokes, these random and funny trivia questions are sure to brighten your day! What started the World War I in 1914? 56. The Beatles recorded at which famous studio in London? #3. Kingstown is the capital of which country? 58. Want to know about Disney princess? Pho and banh mi are dishes from which country? The war between the U.S and Soviet Union is known as? 19. So how do you think you did? Disneyland and the Hollywood film industry is associated with which state of U.S? 21. Which place is famous for the Hollywood film industry? You can use these to host your very own virtual pub quiz on Zoom or Houseparty with your friends, or simply play along at home right now as you scroll down the page. Start here or see where I am in the world over on Instagram. Galdhopiggen is the highest point of which country? What are the northern lights also known as? Are you a world traveller who can identify every single country on the map? Want to know about Disney princess? After the French revolution, who became the emperor in 1804? It refers to the peaceful transition of Czechoslovakia from communism. Playing a game of geography trivia not only lets you show off your knowledge of random tidbits about the world, it's also a great way to learn. There’s a fun picture round too, to divide the geography trivia champs from the losers. Do you know the capital of Greenland? These are just a few of the most iconic events or names in the World War 2 – one of the largest wars in our history. It's time to find out once and for all who knows their way around the globe. Are you up to date on flags, capital cities and languages? 59. 47. Aloha is a friendly greeting used on which islands found in the Pacific Ocean? Answer: Brown Trivia Question: In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for? Brazil. Just when you think you’ve got your cultural bases covered, there’s something new to learn. Average: 6.90. The Seychelles are located in which ocean? From famous kings and longest rivers, to unusual facts and famous people, these Great British quiz questions will test your knowledge of British geography, history, cities, landmarks, literature and more. Welcome to the BIG World Food Quiz Questions game! Victoria Falls is located on the border of Zambia and which other African country? Do you know your Charles Dickens from your George Orwell, and your Picasso from your Dali? Trivia questions also make excellent ice breaker questions if you're looking for questions to ask a crush or someone you're just getting to know for the first time. Which countries have shores on the Lake Turkana? How well do you think you know Wales? Average: 5.18. These 50 art and literature quiz questions are guaranteed to test your cultural knowledge. Do you know your highest mountains, longest rivers and largest countries? If you think you know your Franklins from your Fitzgeralds, it’s time to take on this tricky USA trivia quiz. Which two cities of Japan were hit by the U.S in 1945? 44. This fun logo quiz features five challenging rounds, and includes themed rounds on car logos, food companies and fashion brands. When Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany? 46. Answer: Maize. Mount Vesuvius overlooks which modern Italian city? © Wanderlust Chloe 2015 - 2021 Identify brands from their logos, famous British celebrities and name the classic British dishes. The first man to moon ‘Neil Armstrong’ belonged to which country? What is another word for lexicon? 83. Even if you don't know the answer, it's a lot of fun to see what everybody guesses. Good luck…. Play < World index. These days when I look at my diary it’s empty… apart from 2-3 quizzes per week. Sofia is the capital city of which European country? I loved coming up with the quiz and definitely learned lots along the way… mainly on the flags round. : 65+ trivia questions and answers for high school, Your email address will not be published. World Famous Landmarks Quiz Questions and Answers Sticking with the trend of global renown, keep ‘em guessing with this round focussed on some of the planet’s most popular landmarks. What better way to pass the time than by reading over random trivia questions and answers? What about naming all 45 presidents? I hope you’ve swotted up! 31. In the United States of America, which is the only state to have a one syllable name? What is the official name of the Bosporus Bridge? Where is the world’s longest sea crossing? On 15 April 1865, at Peterson House, Washington D.C., United States, The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, It is one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes of ancient Mesopotamia, Maria Eva Duarte de Peron, commonly known as Evita, It covers the 15th and 16th century marking a transition from middle ages to modernity, The United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. You might have aced the 50-question geography quiz, but now it's time to find out how well you know your capital cities. From fastest birds to unusual critters, how much do you know about the animal world? Basic World Geography Facts 2 Next > Yippee, we are going to Disney World! 32. Basic World Geography Facts 1 quiz. These questions help your brain popping up some new ideas. This 'Great Wall' can be seen from space. 60+ video game trivia questions and answers, 65+ trivia questions and answers for high school, 45+ Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions and Answers. And if you’re looking for more trivia, check out our Friends, Seinfeld, The Office, Harry Potter, How I Met Your Mother, and Disney trivia pages.. 1. The Aruba Caribbean island is a territory of which European country? 39. Do you know your US states from the founding fathers? These are some of the questions about the world which we don’t know very well. When the first modern Olympics games were held? From bothies and castles to William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, these challenging Scotland quiz questions will truly test your knowledge. The city Beirut is on which sea or ocean? But in which country is it? By what name is the parallel of latitude 23.5 degrees North of the equator commonly known? 41. Answer: Hong Kong to Macau, China (55km) Solving a world geography quiz is an easy way of instantly learning many unknown facts about this world, in which we live. Tenochtitlan was the capital of which civilization? Take a trip down memory lane and test your silver screen knowledge with our awesome 90s movie quiz. Looking for capital cities quiz questions and answers? Therefore, we provide you a source of getting more information about the facts and history of the world in this post. Which of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse carries a set of scales? From debut albums and Bond themes, to real names and a fun picture round, it’s time to find out if you’re a music maestro! Basic World Geography Facts 2 quiz. From catwalk legends to that iconic little black dress, these ultimate fashion quiz questions will put your knowledge to the test. Answer: 1984 Trivia Question: In a bingo game, which number is represented by the phrase “two little ducks”? Where the Hagia Sophia Museum is located? Want to know about Disney princess? Feel like you aced it, or you need to brush up on your countries of the world? 2. 51. In which city Buckingham Palace is located? Where is Caroline Island? 16. Hg is the chemical symbol of which element? 12. What other name does “corn” go by? Which English city has more miles of canals than Venice? Answer: Lake Superior. Take the following 31 trivia World War 2 quiz questions and answers to see how well your history knowledge is. 52. Who liberalized Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador from Spanish rule? 34. Played: 931478. Not sure where you fancy going? Whether it’s the iconic Hollywood sign or the rediscovered temple of Angkor Wat in captivating Cambodia, here are ten questions about famous landmarks from around the world: This giant 50-question geography trivia quiz features a challenging picture round of flags. Answer: World Wide Web Trivia Question: In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released? 10. #4. Usually it was my expert knowledge of 00’s boybands that scraped us a place in the top 5! 42. Fun Trivia Ice-Breakers Questions #1. Top contenders for the title include the United … Answer: 7th April. 2. The largest coastland of the world is in which country? 1. Name the seventh planet from the sun. Which Roman emperor was well known for his cruelty and depravity? What are the northern lights also known as? These animal trivia questions are guaranteed to test your knowledge of all creatures great and small. Answer: Prunes. The New York City is on the bank of which river? So how did you get on with my challenging geography trivia questions? The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of which Australian state? Can you answer these mixed questions (largest continent, country etc.) : 60+ video game trivia questions and answers. Get your game of geography trivia started with some of the best geography trivia questions and answers out there. What are Japanese Shinkansen better known as? There is a collection of 1000+ U.S Trivia Questions related to its history, geography, government, environment, etc. 82. The word Trivia signifies something of small importance. Answer: Dictionary. What is the most expensive painting to be sold at auction? 37. Answer-Moonraker. Trivia quiz questions and answers: … It turns out despite travelling a lot, I barely remember the flags of anywhere I’ve been to! 1000+ Trivia Questions With Answers | Best Quiz Questions & Answers. The Incan Empire was situated in today’s which country? Your email address will not be published. The Caroline Island belongs to which ocean? If you like a tipple on your travels, see how much 'knowledge' you've soaked up in our world booze quiz Published: 24 Oct 2014 Travel quiz: wine, beer and spirits of the world You may love travelling, but how well do you really know the world? Politics Trivia Questions. 57. What is the highest mountain in Ecuador? 6. Hint: It's a piece by a Renaissance artist. These type of questions based on different topics such as history, music, animals, sports, geography, sciences or others. This fun quiz features 40 questions including a picture round based on landmarks and flags. 8. 82) On account of the widespread damage caused by annual floods, one of the major rivers … After Brazil, what is the second largest country in South America? Copyright © 2019 All Right Reserved |, 70+ Geography trivia questions [World Geography], 55+ Best Canadian Trivia Questions with Answers, 70+ Impossible Trivia Questions and Answers, 65+ Memorial Day Facts Trivia Questions and Answers. The island Tasmania is in which country? Are you feeling like a champion, or need to go away and stare at a map for a long time? Sumer is an old region found in which country nowadays? #2. Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne? I’m Chloe and I absolutely love travelling the world and sharing stories and memories from my trips, as well as helpful travel advice so that you can follow in my footsteps. 50 World Geography Trivia Questions To Test Your World Knowledge – Geography Quiz Questions And Answers, The Ultimate Logo Quiz (And Answers) With 5 Fun Picture Rounds, Capital Cities Quiz - Questions And Answers, 30 London Trivia Questions And Answers To Test Your Knowledge, Ultimate Fashion Quiz Questions and Answers, The Great British Quiz – Questions And Answers, The Ultimate USA Trivia Questions and Answers, Ultimate 90s Movie Quiz Questions and Answers, UK Picture Quiz – 50 Questions And AnswersÂ, World Geography Quiz Questions And Answers, World Geography Quiz – Picture Round Answers, Capital Cities Quiz – Questions And Answers. The Grand Canyon is located in which US state? All rights reserved. Take these quizzes at Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge on a variety of fun and interesting topics including Animals, Art, Music, Pop Culture, Science, History and more! When the World Wars started and ended? 30. Who was the first human sent into space? It makes sense to strengthen your political know-how with these political trivia questions from the world … Trivia Questions Part 9 . These type of questions and answers are gaining popularity day by day. 84. Name the largest freshwater lake in the world? You'll end up knowing a little bit more about geography by the end. From famous paintings and plays, to novels, poems and sculptures, how much do you know? 81. 53. The Island Cyclades is a part of which country? General Trivia Questions. So read on; hopefully, one will put a smile on your face. Denali is the highest mountain in which continent? This trivia quiz question and answers section are about different names for food and dishes from around the world. Which European capital was built across 14 islands? Names of mountain ranges, US state capitals, biggest countries, smallest countries, flags and more. Have you enjoyed these geography quiz questions and answers? When it comes to geography trivia questions, you need to not only have a good vision of a world map embedded in your brain, but also have accrued all sorts of facts throughout your life. 13. Despite not being all that good at them, I’ve always LOVED a pub quiz. If you've aced some of the geography rounds so far, it's time to move on USA trivia? 22. This quiz features 30 questions including a fun picture round based on famous London landmarks. Additionally, As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. What country has the largest population in the world? … What does the ‘DC’ stand for in Washington DC? Answer: 1881. D-Day. No cheating, fingers on buzzers… here we go! Reading through these trivia questions is super fun, and it can also help you learn all kinds of new facts and tidbits of information. 2. Who was the first person in space? 250+ Trivia Questions & Answers for Kids | Thought Catalog Playing trivia is a great way to spend time with the whole family. Answer: Famine. Looks like we’ve become a nation of quiz obsessives, so I thought why not combine it with our other two great loves – food and travel – and come up with the World Food Trivia Quiz. 38. South Wales is a province in which country? The Catalonia region is in which country? 49. This quiz features 40 questions including a fun picture round based on landmarks and flags. A. 35. Whether they are man-made or natural, these destinations represent the local culture and lifestyle. Which nation on average takes most time to eat meal? If you're a fan of travelling around England, or of English culture, no doubt you'll fare well on this quiz. This UK picture quiz, features 50 challenging questions across 5 fun rounds. I’ll admit that my life as a travel blogger has certainly helped! Therefore, we provide you a source of getting more information about the facts and history of the world in this post.  This post has 50+ interesting and informative World Trivia Questions and answers related to the geography and history of the world which will help you to boost up your geographical knowledge. Famous Landmarks Quiz Questions And Answers The boot is a nickname used for which country? Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color?
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