From my last post, I asserted, following Postone’s reading of Marx, that the categories of capital are specific to capital, but what does this mean? Value as the dark matter of political-economy. Postone builds his critique of “labour in capitalism” on structural, logical and abstract … prominent value-form theorist Moishe Postone is still alive struggling in the hospital..... zero books reports: Edit: It has come to my attention that the news about Moishe Postone's passing is untrue. It exists, first, in the growing mass of unemployed who are now utterly cut off even from unproductive employment along with a growing mass for whom unproductive employment is their only opportunity. I think, although I am prepared to be wrong, that Marx’s organic composition of capital is the answer to this bourgeois formulation in two ways. Kurz makes this argument although his own analysis shows this mass of superfluous persons already exists right now, not just in the form of a growing mass of workers cut off from all employment, but also another, far larger, mass of workers whose existence is masked in the hidden form of unproductive labor. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Thus, before they can gain their solution, communism, they must be theoretically developed enough to recognize that this solution is what they are striving for. Do you think his ideas have developed since Time, Labour, and Social Domination? But this is not all: remember we are not talking about specific form of labor times — that can be neatly divided into productive and unproductive expenditures of human labor — but a single mass of abstract homogenous social labor time. Understanding why Postone and Kurz do not in fact disagree on the issue of value has significance for our understanding of the movement of society. Second, in the growing mass of idled capital seeking “safe harbor” in state issued debt instruments, which must be fed constantly with new state issued debt. The antithesis of value after capitalist breakdown. I wish I could get hold of the original data. Create a free website or blog at The method attribute specifies how to send form-data (the form-data is sent to the page specified in the action attribute).. Thanks for this. Both writers actually agree that capitalism may be replaced by some form of state capitalist militarized barbarism. Let me look at this. Change ). This form of socially necessary labor time is, as Postone argues, entirely prospective, i.e., it reflects value as it must appear if the existing relations of production are to be maintained. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Sohn-Rethel’s Manual and Intellectual Labor is fascinating. Thank you…. Trying to measure labor in terms of its output requires us to measure abstract labor in the form of a jumbled mass of qualitatively different use values that cannot be compared to one another. In Kurz’s argument, the state can survive the demise of the value form; whereas, Postone seems to argue state force alone is capable of maintaining the social relations bound up with the value form. First, in his formulation, the ratio c:v suggests constant capital is being measured in terms of variable capital (labor). All we have to do is wrest this material — our own disposable time — back from capital in order to realize the new society. If an ever growing mass of workers cannot find work within the existing social workday, that social work day need only be shortened. According to Postone, Marx viewed social domination as ‘grounded in the value form of wealth itself’ and therefore ‘based on the unique character of labor in capitalist society’, rather than as a function of private property and the ownership of the means of production (1993, p. 30). So I donât believe in an inevitable collapse, unless what is meant is the regression into relations of capitalist barbarism.”. When, in the course of this crisis, the fascist state proves unable to deliver on the “promise” of full employment, Kurz offered no guidance for how communists should address this failure. However, due to the restriction of no deferral before July 2013, and no “double-dipping” on meeting the residence requirements for full or partial OAS, the actual implementation is slightly more complex. In the above quote, Kurz took pains to distinguish between what he defines as the objective collapse of capitalism and the supersession of the mode of production by communist society. Only at the level of the entire world market, can we assume the sum of prices must equal the sum of all socially necessary labor times. But it would be yet more cruel and perverse to pass from the system of commodity production to a second barbarism, as one can already observe in many phenomena. Essentially, Postone is saying that in the capitalist mode of production, the idea that the value of a generic commodity is equal to its socially necessary labor time may be mistaken. I do so by placing the development of Postone’s project within the New Left and alongside and in distinction to the value-form theoretical new reading of Marx developed by Horkheimer and Adorno’s students. Although, as Marx showed, the capitalist class did not need to realize it was aimed at the bourgeois democratic republic, but achieved it anyway; the working class must, by contrast, admit it aims to end this state before it can do so. The division of value into these antithetical forms does not mean the two rest idly side by side, they each also influence the development of the other. It isnât just a collapse of the financial system. Endnotes collective, “Communization and Value-Form Theory” (2010). What do you think his relation to Postone’s ideas are? The trigger to Kurz’s predicted event, may have already happened with Lehman, which forced the extraordinary (and, even by historical standards of fascist state economic policy, insane) measures by the Federal Reserve that we have seen in this crisis. Or should we see in this a point undecided at the moment?”. While socially necessary labor time in the first form constantly diminishes, socially necessary labor time in the latter form must constantly increase. Marx, says Postone, explicitly draws a distinction between wages as “the historically specific, structuring form of wealth and social mediation in capitalism – from what he calls material wealth, which is measured by the amount produced and is a function of knowledge, social organization, and natural conditions, in addition to labor.”. The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on Canada’s justice system as some courts are deciding to postpone trials and limit hearings. This is labor time that Kurz refers to in his essay, âThe Apotheosis of Moneyâ as value that cannot reenter capitalist reproduction. In fact, in the capitalist mode of production labor power may be the only commodity whose value is equal to the socially necessary labor time required for its production.
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