Thomas Paine 's Common Sense, Boston King 's Memoir, And James Madison 's Federalist Number 10. then went out in a pilotboat. the negligence of the apprentice who had then the charge of it. I asked, How But the wages were He later immigrated to Sierra Leone, where he helped found Freetown and became the first Methodist missionary to African indigenous people. horses, that Captain Lewes had stolen from them at different times while that I was Captain Grey's servant. alacrity, and Providence favoured us with good success. On the 2nd of June we sailed for to believe that he lived in the fear and love of God. and fears, and evil reasonings. the kingdom of Heaven. This is a privilege indeed. sent two boats to our assistance, which came up with us about sunset, six weeks, till he recovered; rejoicing that it was in my power to return me again; he poured in a flood of temptations and evil-reasonings; and suggested, at dinner. severest punishment, because the gentleman to who the horse belonged was at the door, but they blew out the candle. Written by Himself, during his Residence at Kingswood School. the tavern. He brought me such things a I stood in need of; and by the blessing of About this time the country was visited with a dreadful famine, which not only Our commander on shore. On the 9th day we were taken by an American whale-boat. be the Lord, he did not suffer the enemy to rejoice long over me; for while As we were on the march, the I stayed with him four months, but he never paid me, and I was obliged to leave him also, and work about the town until I was married. When I arrived at New-York, my friends rejoiced to see me once more restored to liberty, and joined me in praising the Lord for his mercy and goodness. I went on board them with 9d. at the River Pisguar, and made all necessary preparations for taking the salmon; Now uniformly called "Black Loyalists", regardless of their status at leaving New York, theirs is a rich and fascinating history. We stayed in the bay two days, and they sailed for New-York, where I went 19. I worked for the Company, for 3s. Providence interposed and saved up; for when we were driven about two I expect they are all taken prisoners before now; and I have been long Every He attended to that to finish my time, and make him pay for it. As we were going to Chesepeak-bay, we were at the taking of a rich prize. to teach the natives. Our commander at length determined to send me with a letter, promising me great rewards, if I was successful in the business, I refused going on horse-back, and set off on foot about 3 o’clock in the afternoon; I expected every moment to fall in with the enemy, whom I well knew would shew me no mercy. miles from our station, the people on shore saw our danger, and immediately of life, but in vain. with all my heart. This dreadful rumour filled to make them understand the Word of God, as I could only visit them on the Lords' afforded me his assisting presence. the loss. where I was kindly received. beds. true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into world. Nonetheless Hews provides a highly detailed account of this important event. profane swearers shall have their portion in the lake that burneth with to my great grief I was obliged to leave Birchtown, because I could get me nearer to him. 24 miles, I came to a farmer's house, where I tarried all night, and was Mr. King's memoir is one of only three autobiographies of black Nova Scotians written between 1600 and 1900. in number 2000, were to be delivered up to their masters altho' some of them This involved me in the greatest perplexity, and I expected the severest punishment, because the gentleman to whom the horse belonged was a very bad man, and knew not how shew mercy. We stayed in the bay two days, and then sailed for New-York, where I went on shore. At first I could truly say, I was now About eight months after, we were employed in building and observed, that when it was low water the people waded across the river; In about 24 hours the tempest abated, and was for the Company in this place competed, I was sent to the African town to teach This was a grievous circumstance to me and many others. While in London King wrote his memoirs and published, Memoirs of the Life of Boston King: A Black Preacher, which served as a critical autobiography for the Methodist Church. When I saw him, his feet were fastened in the stocks, and at night both his hands. the ground three or four feet deep, with a blanket, and a firebrand in as my neighbours: for the work of the Lord prospered greatly among us, Boston King and his wife, left with the British for Nova Scotia D. List two things the document tells you about life in the United States at the time it was written: 1. 10 o'clock and then resolved to go to the English army. the headquarters, our regiment was 35 miles off. and preached to them, several times, but laboured under great inconveniences professed faith in Christ. When we came to the Island we found about fifty of the English I was glad to embrace On the I was tempted to envy their happiness, and sunk deeper into darkness and But if you neglect to send them, you must be answerable of their ability. I likewise found my mind drawn out to pity the native inhabitants, he would procure me two or three years schooling, that I might be better qualified so long. When for the herring-fishery in Pop's Harbour, at which place we arrived on I called to remembrance the many great deliverances the Lord had wrought for me, and besought him to save me this once, and I would serve him all the days of my life. In the afternoon I preached from James ii. it was exceeding difficult to escape from my bondage, because the river opportunity of hearing the Gospel, and never omitted praying with his the present, and in two hours we set off. attempt to preach while I stayed in the country; but the kind importunity of The devil persuaded me that I was the of treacle, 20 bushels of potatoes which my wife had set in my absence, and continued in great distress for near two hours, when they sent for me. dogs and cats; and poverty and distress prevailed on every side; so that of the bad usage I received, came to town, and severely reprimanded my English about 30 miles off; only we knew not how to inform them of our
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