Intra and Contained both have the letter “A” in them. A tag relating to an individual speaker's words or actions is placed inline with the rest of the speech, as if it were a word. Except for a few basic rules, spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals) is largely a matter of writers' preference. And phone numbers, of course, use hyphens between the sets of three though you’ll likely see periods sometimes too. ain't stays ain't -- do not expand to "are not" However, you still need to use tags to indicate that someone was speaking. Do not use quotes for the names of companies and organizations (or programs that they run), media networks, computer languages, academic courses, job titles, computer commands, computer menu items, court cases, game titles, or the names of events. You can do this in several ways. Paragraphs must always be separated by a single blank line. This is entirely optional, of course, but it's a great place to ask general questions about CW style and procedure. The whole point of transcription is to make the spoken word available in written form. However, if you are having trouble understanding someone's accent to the point that your transcript is full of inaudibles, you should return the job and let someone else give it a try. Also, you always want to use figures when discussing age; never spell out the full word. For example. A tag representing something external to the speaker, or involving more than one person, is placed on its own line, as if it were a paragraph, with a blank line above and below. Start a new paragraph when the speaker starts a new take. When adding a prefix to a capitalized word (Example: non-Nike sportswear ). Speaker labels should be useful to the customer If a noun comes after years old, you will want to hyphenate it. Something--something. It may help to use search & replace to change all double spaces to single ones before pasting your work into the job page. When numbers are used as the first part of a compound adjective, use a hyphen to connect them to the noun that follows them. The journal encourages articles on: 1. Do not include titles, job numbers, page numbers, or your own comments along with the job. This tag is used when two or more people are speaking at once and you miss some of what is said as a result. I got $100 for my birthday. Use gender (Man 1 and Woman 1) only as a last resort, if you don't know anything else about the speaker. However, if the word or phrase comes up more than once, you do need to tag it every time. Mm-mm means no On verbatim jobs, you must include every single thing you hear, exactly as you hear it. The 21-year-old woman gave a presentation. Be sure to send the message from the email address associated with your worker account so we can find you in the system and look up any info we need in order to address your question. The following rules apply to any job that is identified as Group Style on the job page, or that is described as a "Focus Group," "Panel," "Round Table," or "Group Discussion" in the tags, customer comments, or job title. In some views, the system will display the speaker labels from your transcript in boldface. If the speaker trails off or flubs a line and remarks on it, all of that should be included. and the interviewee's response indicates that he is Dave, you can go back and label the interviewee as Dave throughout the transcript. Always use a speaker label after a tag that stands on its own line, even if the speaker is the same person who was talking before. 5.1 The Basics Honorifics: Personal titles such as Mrs., Mr., Ms., Dr., Rev., and similar should be abbreviated, with a period, when used as part of a person's name. Use numbers only if the "a" literally means exactly one. If a ringing phone, crying baby, barking dog, or passing train is ignored, don't tag it. If the silence goes on for many minutes, or if you take several TCs from the same audio and they're all silent or otherwise content-free, you must report it. I'll give you $100 for it. If you forget to add a hyphen or add one where you shouldn't, they aren't likely to … 2.2 What to Cut: Removing Filler and False Starts Only items in square brackets are considered "tags" in the CW system. The last thing I want to cover in this post is the suspended hyphen. I have stays I have -- do not contract to "I've", The one exception: Change "there're" to "there are.". It is OK to submit a TC that consists only of one of these tags, but you must also leave a comment to confirm that you are doing so intentionally, and you must be reasonably sure the lack of content is not a symptom of a larger problem. Use this tag if there is no sound at all. Coughs, sneezes, and clearing of throats can also be ignored. Section 1, The Basics, outlines the minimum requirements of acceptable work. er -- Not err or ur If this is the case, or the audio is untranscribable for other reasons, please report it immediately and wait for us to email you to return the job. Do not embed "graphically designed" equations or tables, but prepare these using the wordprocessor's facility. Transcribers must never insert timestamps into their work for any reason. What do I do? However, you should apply "Male" and "Female" as modifiers if (and only if) people of different genders have the same role in the audio. In those cases, transcribers can go ahead and omit the interviewer's words, as directed. Do not put two spaces between sentences, after speaker labels, or anywhere else. Direct quotes should always be transcribed verbatim, even in non-verbatim jobs, to protect the integrity of the quote. If the special instructions seem to be asking that a substantial portion of the audio be cut, such as "This is a 1-hour file but I only need the first 20 minutes," you must inform Support by using the "Report a Problem with this Job" link, even if you keep working on your piece of the audio. Dashes are used for this purpose. would not stays would not -- do not contract to "wouldn't" The first-grade students went on a field trip. tag in front of every questionable word if you're uncertain about a whole phrase. Writing out … if it is a whole number between zero and nine unless a currency is specified. We spoke on 07/03/13. Use your judgment, and remember that the point of transcription is to make it easy for the reader to understand what's going on. ÂÂPlusÂÂ is the plus symbol: + If "mm-hmm" or a similar utterance is the only answer to a direct question, then it should be kept, or information will be lost. Some fonts may only be native to your operating system; without the fonts embedded, parts of the graphic may be distorted or missing. In most cases, transcribers are the first humans to come into contact with new material when orders come in. When to use Group Style Many transcripts do have some dead air before or after an interview, or in the middle of a transcript if someone is thinking about their answer, reading a document, steps out of the room, etc. Spoken as "five in the morning". (Remember to use hyphens between words that form one number: twenty-three, forty-one.) It costs like a thousand dollars to join. In MLANET “Find a Job” ads, all numbers are represented in numeric form. It is OK for a transcript to start or end with a tag if one is called for, but do not use [audio begins], [cuts off], or other tags that merely denote the beginning or end. Twitter handles start with an @, so if someone is talking Twitter it's @GeorgeTakei, not "at George Takei" -- and of course you've already done a quick search to make sure you're spelling "Takei" correctly. Use common sense! If you use a suspended compound modifier, include a hyphen with both adjectives. Again, consistency is the key. Verbatim work must include every utterance and sound event, exactly as you hear it. A quotation mark is a single character. 13,350.24. If it does not, you must make the necessary changes before submitting. Please be sure to enter the email address associated with your CastingWords account when submitting a request in this way. We really like [?] Break compound sentences into smaller ones where possible Also, you always want to use figures when discussing age; never spell out the full word. –. Use ellipses as needed if the speech cuts in or out mid-sentence around the crosstalk. Each one will just be "Audience Member" or "Congregant," with no numbers or gender needed. The more closely your work adheres to the style and format guidelines in this document, the easier it will be for the editor to incorporate it into a final product that is both internally consistent, and in line with any other transcripts the customer orders.
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