|   In that version, scammers text returning students to say there’s a package waiting for them — sometimes claiming it’s been waiting since last spring, when many students had to go home from campus quickly. They will terminate you for no reason at all. Contacting a person on the national registry is a violation of the TCPA unless the telemarketer can prove the contact was made in error. My problem is that the government has empowered these corporations far more than regulated them, and more often attempts to further regulate paradoxically seem to harm the individual far more that constrain the corporation. This website is not intended for viewing or usage by European Union citizens. This scam is targeting customers of the CVS pharmacy chain via a series of fake emails telling potential victims that they’ve qualified to receive a free CVS gift card, free reward points or some other gift of value. However, if you continue to see unwanted calls and texts from telemarketers, you may wish to file a class action lawsuit like the one filed by Truong. If you have received coupons or sales advertisements in a text message from a restaurant or clothing retailer and your phone number is registered with the National Do Not Call registry, you may be entitled to compensation.