. Creating of custom stairs and railings. Prerequisites: One of the following: Placement into ENG 101 or ENG 096 with a Pass grade or ESL 109 and ESL 106 with a grade of C or better (Student may be able to assess out of ESL 106.). Contact department chair for course availability. Contact department chair for course availability. Examines role of nervous coordination of body movement. Laboratory and computer methods for evaluation of the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Students may not receive credit for both MUS 260 and THE 260. Focuses on being mentally prepared and to be able to cope emotionally with acts of violence. Develop fundamental principles of serving customer needs. This course provides the foundations of scientific terminology and concepts useful for success in Anatomy & Physiology I (acceptable prerequisite for BIO 250A/250B). Grade of C or better in MAT 160 College Algebra strongly recommended. Focus is on preparation, planning, and design of various desktop publishing documents using Microsoft Publisher and progresses through publishing projects that will include business and marketing items. Initial skills test will determine the level of assigned kicks and patterns to be learned. Offered in Fall only. Explores cultures of Central America and the Caribbean Basin in the context of a study tour (or study abroad) in one or more locations in that region of the world. Fundamental terminology, functions and responsibilities encountered in the field of supply chain and operations management will be included. Offered in Fall and Spring. Individualized course of study presenting words with basic spelling patterns, complicated consonant patterns, and complicated vowel patterns. Required course for some technical programs. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR POSC 202 – Introduction to Comparative Politics. Among the most popular type of genre fiction, beginning with E.A. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR. This guide to banking in Germany looks at the German banking system and what banking options there are for expats in Germany. Contact department chair for course availability. Offered in Fall only. Adaptive and maladaptive responses to stressors that interfere with psychosocial homeostasis are presented. A grade of C or better in the prerequisite course is recommended. Introduction to basic fundamentals of stagecraft in scenery, lighting, costumes, and other areas of technical theatre. Prerequisites: ART 1105 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission. Students may not receive credit for both MUS 260 and THE 260. Selected historical topics discussed against how film has presented them for general audiences. Offered in Fall and Spring. Introduction to American and international fiction written from 1960 to the present. Includes role of financial manager in organization. A Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis test (MDHSS), completed and signed by a health care professional. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR THEA – 100A – Theater Appreciation. Contact department chair for course availability. Students will learn new vocabulary and idioms, make an oral presentation, and write a short paper by the finish of the class. An introduction to the field of outdoor recreation and leadership. Principles of animal science including importance of animal agriculture, genetics, anatomy, physiology and nutrition. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR LANG 102 – French II. Prerequisites: High School Biology or BIO 095. This fieldwork rotation is eight weeks of full time clinical practice. Emphasis on commonly prescribed drugs by body system including route of administration, drug form and government regulations. More advanced topics and skills in cyber security. Prerequisites: ART 1105 and ART 2130 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission. Technical skills learned will include vital sign assessment, hygiene, medical asepsis, mobility, head-to-toe assessment and medication administration, including medication math. Provides opportunities to learn skills related to hiking and wilderness travel. Students will read historical, editorial, empirical and theoretical works, and examine real‐world phenomena with the goal of understanding the various ways that stereotypes and prejudice can impact intergroup relations. It will be team-taught with a faculty member from another department. Students will evaluate needs and develop an action plan of personal wellness. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR PHYS 200L – Advanced Physics I with Lab (Lecture & Lab). Health care cultural and linguistic competency is the ability of providers to understand the social, ethnic, religious, and linguistic characteristics of a population and use this understanding to improve the quality of care providers deliver. The course will address issues of educational equity, sociocultural influences on teaching and learning, and how teachers and schools can contribute to interpersonal and intercultural understanding and respect, social justice, and democratic citizenship. Prerequisites: SPN 201 or two years of high school Spanish. Explores cultures of Arabic-speaking countries. Second course in sequence of three recommended for majors in mathematics, computer science, physical sciences, or engineering. Focus is on the advanced statistical and analytic tools for use in decision-making. Offered in Spring only. Investigates fiction and film with emphasis on their uniqueness and relationship, their common narrative elements that convince reader and viewer of their correspondence to life, and of the process of translation from one narrative form to another. Offered in Fall only. Student must take the Compass ESL test. Approach to photography primarily from creative visual aspect, emphasis is placed on concept development. Topics include plane motion; force, mass and acceleration; work and energy; and impulse and momentum. Introduction to concepts of probability and statistics. Enrollment limited to members of varsity team. Offered in Spring only. Introduction of basic concepts related to data analytics, some analysis techniques and the practice and use of data analytics in supply chain and logistics. Missouri Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer (CORE 42) Course Number: MOTR LITR 102B – British Literature – Late 18th Century to Present. Prerequisites: BUS 101 and MAT 098 or placement into MAT 121. Specific course objectives, strategies, and evaluation procedures defined in individual learning agreement with the instructor. Includes detailed descriptions of duties and functions of specific actors in system, including victim, offender, police, prosecuting and defense attorneys, courts and corrections. Make a smooth transition to a four-year institution. Offered in Spring only. Contact department chair for course availability. Students cannot receive credit for both CDC 205 and EDU 205. Focus on film theme. Introduction of educational theories, policies, programs and practices related to the development of children with special needs from birth through age eight. Offered in Spring only. Fall, Fundamentals of personal selling from the determination of customer needs to the close of the sale. Offered in Fall only. This course is an interdisciplinary, Honors-level version of Contemporary Social Issues. Examination of prominent Missourians is included. Builds on fundamental competency skills and concepts of entry-level practice using occupation-based activities and the essential role occupation plays in the delivery of occupational therapy services. Course involves validation of workplace learning and a documented report of learning experiences. Addresses needs and issues of at-risk youth, their families, schools and communities. Coverage of segment profitability, budgeting, capital projects, selection and subsequent evaluation, cost volume and allocation involving joint costs decentralization, and performance measurement and transfer pricing. Reading strategies specific to French language, including vocabulary building, reading for comprehension, and use of literary tenses. Continuation of cooking terminology and theories and major cooking techniques. Emphasis as much on learning technique as understanding concepts and personal expression. Contact department chair for course availability. Continuation of HMS 201. Analysis of political process involved in formulation of social welfare policies from a historical point of view. Advanced welding techniques in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) required of AWS Advanced level welders will be covered. Game played on indoor court using racquet and hard rubber ball. Along with suggestions for study strategies, students will be given an edge up for success in their fall math class. Prerequisites: OTA 105, OTA 115 and OTA 125, Corequisites: OTA 116, OTA 126 and MAT 147. Application of principles of mechanics to engineering problems of equilibrium. Discusses selected moral dilemmas of modern living. Prepares students for professional-level Cisco certifications such as the CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services exam. Continuation of PHE 120. Includes organization of living things, scientific method, cell and molecular biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and relationship between biology and society. Offered in Fall and Spring only. A close study of poetry with special emphasis on the varieties of poetic form and the means of interpretation and evaluation. Contact department chair for course availability. Provides specific hands-on laboratory experience focused on demonstrating entry-level competency through student presentations, lab practical examinations and collaborative activities which reinforce foundational and fundamental skills previously practiced. Basic programming concepts used to implement network applications and to automate workflows. Studio art course that expands upon the core principles explored in Figure Drawing I and II along with broader experimentation in use of materials and deeper personal expression. Offered in Fall and Spring. Study of human development from conception to adolescence, emphasizing both current and historical approaches to research and theory, genetic and environmental influences on development, and sequence and timing of physical, mental, and personality development throughout years of childhood. Field course covering art, architecture, and history of a region of the world involving supervised on-site field studies and coursework outlined in an individual learning agreement.
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